Welcome to Our English Blog! On this site you will find useful information, extra tasks and helpful and interesting materials to work with and practice. You can leave your comments so that we can keep in contact through this site and you can tell me what you need, so that I can include it on our blog. This is a site which also includes the students´ active participation. I hope you like it and use it a lot. I hope you enjoy this site and take the advantage to practice and learn more through the material provided here. Wishing you all the best for this year!... Best Wishes, Tch. Roxana Contreras
San Francisco Solano, Quilmes, Buenos Aires, Argentina
This is a blog to be used by the students of 1º,2º and 5º year from San Juan Bautista school and by the students of 2ºC, 5ºA and 5ºB year from Jose Hernandez school. The aim of this blog is to help students develop the contents, which are going to be seen along this year. Apart from being a useful help for the students and a means of communication, this blog will function as a helpful didactic tool for all my students to help them take advantage of all the material provided here in this site to develop and strengthen their knowledge as regards English and accompany them along their teaching-learning process. Wishing all my students the best for this year, I hope all of you enjoy this site and find it useful. Greetings!
Pf. Roxana Contreras.